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"Reconizing that my experience with the game is limited, I am nevertheless enthusiastic about its problem solving aspects. I am especially impressed with the apparent connection between ICO and sequential and spatial perception. The game would most certainly be a valuable addition to any classroom, and especially to a class of gifted learners." Carol F. Baker
Instructor, Gifted Education
The University of Tulsa

"It is a professional pleasure for me to endorse your game for its high-interest, educational potential. Increased dimenional understanding could have a positive relation to geometry, the building trades, or the structure of language. Increased decision-making and logic, from moves based on thought rather than chance, could have a positive impact on instilling a competitive nature, or developing the competitive desire, with others in an environment which encourages understanding of how others feel, reason, and react. In short, I highly recommend ICO as a worthwile supplement to educational and enrichment programs." Peter Loehr, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Newton Falls Ohio

"We continually seed activities which are fun and at the same time instructional for students who have a broad range of abilities to include giftendness. The 3-dimentional Crystal game is effective in encouraging creative thinking, sequencing, problem solving and holistic perception."

Dorothy DeWitty
Walt Whitman Elementary

"I was most impressed with the children's joy in playing ICO. It was a very worthwhile activity because the children were softly forced into using planning and spatial perspective skills not normally required in the classroom." Judy Reid
Classroom Teacher
Burroughs Tri-School

"I most enjoyed seeing the totally left-brained kids learning that they will need other ways of seeing life problems and must employ their right, feeling hemispheres if they are to successfully solve those problems. I could almost feel the switch from one side to the other, and located some holes in my own perception and thinking." Judy Gibson
Classroom Teacher
Jenks Middle School

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